Download virtualbox for windows 8/81 32 bit/ 64 bit and how to install windows 8 on a virtualbox virtual machine virtualbox is a virtual application that allows you to install other or additional operating systems and run concurrently on the parent operating system. Virtualbox guest additions download 32 bit. Virtualbox guest additions download and install process (step by step with screenshots) it will also show the options for including guest additions for 32-bit and 64-bit systems, creating similar versions for windows and ubuntu it may even include solaris considering the fact the virtualbox is owned by sun the system will automatically.
virtualbox guest additions download 32 bit
To explicitly extract the windows guest additions for another platform than the current running one, such as 64-bit files on a 32-bit system, you must use the appropriate platform installer use vboxwindowsadditions-x86exe or vboxwindowsadditions-amd64exe with the /extract parameter.